Inspiration People

GITA SAVITRI DEVI G itasav born in Jakarta, 28th July 1992. She is a women of Palembang descendant and for eighteen year she live at Jakarta. 10 Oktober 2010, she went to go Jerman to get collage in University. And now She earned a bachelor"s degree in chemistry from Freie Universitat Berlin She is an introvert, so she likes aloof and away from the crowd. But, snow she can be extrovert people. Its mean, we must learn from our deficiency so that we can fix for the better. Gitasav lifestyle are Youtuber and Blogger. She has more than 310,000,000 subscriber at her youtube chanel. Her youtube chanel is "Gita Savitri Devi". In her youtube channel, She always posting positive video at 2 or 1 times on the week. She always make the video with random topic. For example : She make traveling vlog, and speak Her opinion about hot news. In 2017, Gitasav be indicated by Youtube to be a creator chan...