Culture Festival

Hallo, i'm nauraa. yeah i think they know from my adressed blg wkwkw. Last week, more presicaly on 30 September 2017, I spend time on my school event,named Gathapraya.

Let's explain about Gathapraya

Gathapraya is event held by Senior High School 3 Bandung. This event purpose to preseving culture, because now people can forget their culture, so Senior High School 3 Bandung save the culture with culture festival.

Name's "Gathapraya" comes from Sansekerta, its means "Harapan untuk Masa Depan" or in english Hope for the future. Can look from its name, Senior High School 3 Bandung hope with the culture festival can make the teenager save the culture, because if don't us, who else?

Gathapraya held in Lapang Bali, lapang bali can also for sport venue for Senior high School 3 and Senior High School 5 bandung. Lapang bali conjured up by commite Gathapraya into a beautiful place with many decoration. 

In Gathapraya, Senior High School 3 present food fest, culture workshop, traditional games corner, and special perform from many culture. 

Food Fest

in gathapraya,you can also found a lot of food, like ice cream, tea, potato, pasta, thai tea, milk and many more.So you can't starve in gathapraya.

Culture Workshop

Culture work shop is one of the forms to introduce the culture.Gatha Praya proudly present many culture workshop.Like gamelan corner,many things from bambo, pottery corner and last face painting. 

Traditional Game Corner 

In traditional game cornel,you can found a lot of traditional game.For example Enggrang,Congklak,Bakiak,Engklek and lompat tali or in english jump rope.

Enggrang is are poles or sticks. that a person uses to stand within a certain distance above the ground.

Bakiak is game derived from Sumatra Barat. This game usually played when the celebration day such as independence day and else, as a compitition.

Engklek is a traditional game that is often played by children

jump rope is a game resembling a rope made of rubber

Performance Culture 

in performance part, we are entertained by

Vina Candrawati, she painting with sand media. The theme raised is Gathapraya.
Didik Nini Thowo is a dancer, choreographer, pantomime, comedian, and teacher. He is indonesian nationals. He always show an interesting dance.

Elephant Kind is a band with pop genre. Elephant kind performance 6 tune. But, I most like Oh Well.

Hivi is a vocal group wich consist of 5 members. and 1 member is women and the rest are man. 
Hivi performance a lot of song, but my favorite song is Mata Ke Hati because the song explain my feelings wkwkwk. And Performance from Hivi is my favorite part of Gathaprayaa hehe.

And Last are Nidji. 

Nidji is a six-person band / band group consisting of Giring Ganesha, Andi Ariel Harsya and Ramadhista Akbar, Randy Danistha, Andro Regantoro, and Adri Prakarsa.
When nidji performance, audience are jump with tone of nidji's songs. And for me its a happy time to spend my saturday night. 

Gathapraya is a first festival I visited and I think Gathapraya is great festival and I 
can't wait for the next culture festival 😳

It's over from me 
I hope they can visit the next cultur festival from Senior High School 3 Bandung hehe.


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It's me Naura